OMG!! ENDTIME SIGN!! Come And See photos From The First ever Gay Muslim wedding takes place in U.K, HOW IT HAPPENED WILL SHOCK YOU (Photos) 0

The first ever gay Muslim wedding has taken place in the UK, as two men Jahed Choudhury, 24, and Sean Rogan, 19, who have been dating for two years, tied the knot wearing traditional golden Sherwanis in a civil ceremony at Walsall registry office.
Their relationship was ignited when Sean met Choudhury crying on a bench in Darlaston, and according to Choudhury, Sean has stood by him since then.

Choudhury told Express and Star:
“I’d not long overdosed and I was crying on a bench and Sean came over and asked if I was okay.”
However, Choudhury admitted that being an openly-gay Muslim made him feel like something of a ‘black sheep’ and that he ‘stood out like a sore thumb’ and often felt trapped between his sexuality and faith.
He further revealed that he tried to deny his orientation and even took medication and a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh.

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