The Pathway to Effective Blogging:- The Social Effect Of Blogging (WHAT I HAVE LEARNT SO FAR)

The Pathway to Effective Blogging:
•    Choose topics that interest you the most in order to make your blogs more lively.
•    Readers decide whether or not to continue reading your blog within the first 30 seconds
     of reading. Therefore, craft the introduction in such a way that it captures the interest
       of the readers.
•    Provide unique information to make it stand out from the rest.
•    Maintain a friendly tone throughout and avoid frequent usage of colloquial language.
•    Respond to the readers’ comments but turn a deaf ear to negative comments as long
      as the genuineness of the information you’ve provided is not at stake.
•    Update your blog at regular intervals in order to retain traffic.

For some people blogging is a hobby, for some it is a profession, and for some it is an addiction. Regardless of the reason(s) behind this, blogging always has some effects on the bloggers.
What Are the Social Effects of Blogging?

Improves Self-Esteem:
Blogging helps a great deal in improving your self-esteem. As you share your knowledge and experience with others, you develop your self-esteem. An optimum level of self-esteem is necessary in order to achieve what you desire. Self-esteem instills in you a sense of confidence, which is essential to lead a successful life. In addition to boosting self-esteem, blogging also stimulates you to learn more, which in turn will keep you abreast of things.

Opportunity to Learn:
Bloggers also read others’ blogs. It is a good way to gain knowledge on topics of their interest. Blogs help us understand the difficulties associated with implementing theoretical know-how in practical situations. Most blogs have something new for us to learn. Once you post a blog on something you would have poured out your ideas on that topic, which will make you hunt for more information. Consequently you will keep learning in order to generate new content.

Motivates Blogging:
Any effort which goes unrecognized doesn’t serve the purpose. When you post your blogs, the comments from your readers will instill in you a sense of recognition. It is the best reward you get for your blogs. Wouldn’t you feel happy on being appreciated? To be honest, I feel elated every time I read a comment appreciating my efforts. These happy-about-yourself moments motivates you to write more blogs.

Improves Socializing Skills:
The extroverts make friends and socialize easily. However, introverts find it difficult to mingle with others. As blogging is an easier way of communication, such people find it highly comfortable to express their views. Though the blogger is aware of the presence of an audience, the virtual presence of people doesn’t have a strong impact on the expression of his thoughts. Blogging can transform an introvert into an extrovert gradually.

Addresses Specific Issues:
People run on a tight schedule and hence do not have time to research extensively to find solutions for their impending problems. They look for effective solutions to their specific problems. Even if it is a scholarly article, when it doesn’t provide the key to practical problems it is of no use. As people write blogs on a specific subject based on their personal experience, blogs naturally contain the information that others are looking for. This is one of the significant reasons why blogs are sought after for information.

Keeps You Relaxed:
Another effect that blogging has on people is that it makes them feel relaxed. When others respond to their blogs, they get a sense of being heard. The other benefit is that when readers share their experiences with you, you will develop a sense of belonging. This will put you at ease and help you express yourself better. Any good emotion which is expressed will make you feel better. I feel more pepped up after blogging on something that impresses me.
There are plenty of websites that offer you free web space to post your blogs. Choosing a good website where your blogs can reach the right crowd is crucial to have a pleasant blogging experience. Start with your most favorite topic and write an intriguing article to let it work its magic on your skills. I’m sure that you will be surprised with the result.

This is a guest post by Samantha Kirk of, a site that offers savings and current information on Remote Tech Support.





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