Judgement day is close and the proof.. the message read it perfect
and don't neglect it and sin.. The Prophet's will in the dream of
Sheikh Ahmad Pregnant Campus Keys Holy Prophet........
" in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Peace, mercy and
blessings of God! I swear That message was received... me... and I would
read it and make it perfect,, this is the will of the city of shining,
Sheikh Ahmed pregnant keys was deprived of the Holy Prophet (R) to the
Muslims, their land and easts And you will. Say: " he was Sheikh Ahmad
at night where they read the Koran and is in fair city campus.. the
other night I fall asleep and I saw in my dream the prophet.. and he
came to me and said he had died in this Week 40000 on non-faith.. and
they are dead dead ignorance. And that women do not challenge their
husbands. They appear in front of men their uniform. Without Hijab and
no jacket, naked body, and out of their houses without the knowledge of
their husbands, and the rich people don't pay, nor make pilgrimages to
the mosque, and helping the poor, and do not finish the bad, and the
Noble Messenger (R) inform People that doomsday is close, will appear in
the sky a star you see clear, and close to the sun of your heads close
reach, then God does not accept repentance from one, and will close the
gates of heaven, and raise the Koran from earth to heaven.. And he says
he has sheikh ahmed said to Prophet (R) in his dream that if one people
post this commandment among Muslims, he would receive healing at my
printing on judgment day and get a lot of good and abundant sustenance,
and accessed and Didn't give her attention in the sense that tearing
apart or wing it or ignored it has sinned a great sin, and who read it
and didn't post it it throws from God on judgment day.. That's why he
asked me al Mustafa, Peace in the dream to inform one of the officials
served al-HARAM AL-Sharif to kingdom come close, so god forgive and
tupou him,
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