ANOTHER FRESH DEATH HIT UNILAG!! Pictures of the Unilag Chemistry Edu. 100-level student who died after outing with an unidentified man

You may have heard about the death of a Unilag Chemistry Education Student, Tope who died after a night out with an unidentified man.
We’ve gotten pictures of the student… and more details. Her name is Temitope Omolara and she was a 100 level Chemistry Education student of Unilag.

Temitope Omolara reportedly started “behaving in a strange way” after going out with an unidentified man. Some say the man was her sugar daddy. We have not been able to independently verify this claim.
As at Monday, she appeared sick. This worried her friends. “I’ll be fine,” she reportedly told one, only to die on Thursday night at an hospital off campus. She was buried on Friday.

Temitope’s passing, according to sources, wasn’t easy. She was reportedly in pains and “even vomited blood”.
Friends say she might have fallen victim to ritual killers. We don’t know how that happened, if that was what happened.
Temitope’s death has thrown the Faculty of Education into shock as UNILAG prepares for another examination period. She was a 100 Level student of Chemistry Education.
While some said Temitope was a “runs girl” who stumbled across the wrong “sugar daddy”, Micheal Ogunlaja, argued otherwise.
“I knew her for more than two years,” Ogunlaja wrote in a Facebook post the day Temitope was buried.
“Tope was a good girl, humble, nice and jovial lady. She was a prestigious lady ready to sacrifice everything for someone. I remember those moment we spent together reading, joking, and tackling serious issues.
“Memories of you can never vanish from my life. You never tell me you will go this soon. It was a shock when I heard your death. Why would death pick you? The last time we saw, we talked, joke, laughed and sobered together not knowing that was the last time we were gonna to see. Indeed we lost icon, an Akokite.
“May your gentle soul rest in peace,” he wrote.

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